Trade with Ajeet Singh

Free stuff for trading

Robo Calls (Free Excel Utility)

Robo Calls launched again.

Robo Calls is an excel utility that generates automatic calls in excel.
You must have office 2007 or higher for this file to run properly.
Before downloading this file, kindly download excel runtime and install on your pc.
You must trust all macros and run them.
This utility is on trial of 7 days but Dont worry, Activation is free of Cost.

For Activation please follow below mentioned procedure:
Click Here:
Sign up at dropbox with your name and email id
Download dropbox from HERE
Install it on your pc with details you gave while signing up.
You will get 500Mb extra space.
Now fill activation form at my website giving same email id
I will confirm through dropbox and your file will be renewed for 120 days and thereafter.
Above procedure is needed for first time activation and
renewals can be done by simply sending mail or filling form.
If you dont need dropbox then simply un-install it from control panel of your pc.
But dont delete your account at dropbox, just dont use if you dont need.
I repeat, all activations and renewals are FREE OF COST !!!

Excel Runtime
Robo Calls Excel Utility


  1. KNOWLEDGE :- I cannot say too much about the gaining of knowledge. You cannot get knowledge without spending time in study. You must not look for a quick and easy way to make money in the Stock market, When you have paid in advance with time & study. and gained the knowledge. then you will find it easy to make money. The more time you put in gaining knowledge the more money you will make later. Knowledge is no enough. You Must put into use what you learn in order to benefit. You will learn by Doing. Action & execution @ the proper time bring profits.
  2. PAPIENCE:- The is one of the very important qualification for success in trading in stock markets. First you must have the oatience to wait for an a opportunity to determine a definite buying or selling point. When you make a trade. you must hae the patience to wait for opportunities to get out right, or to make profit. You must determine a definite change in trend before you close a trade to take profits. This only results from study of past market movement. & from acquring the proper knowledge.
  3. NERVE:- A man can have the finest gun in the world. but if he hasn't the nerve to pull the trigger he will never kill any game. You can have all the knowledge in the world. but if you haven't the nerve to buy and sell you cannot make profit ! Knowledge gives a man nerve, makes him bold and enables him to act at the right time.When a man fails to buy or sell at the right time, the result is that he becomes afraid. Fair is a detrimental influence. When he has too much nerve and buys on hope at the top, he is guessing. When influenced by hope alone, he cannot expect profits,
  4. GOOD HEALTH:- No man makes a great success in any business. unless his health is goog. because a brilliant mind cannot work successfully with weakened body. You will not have proper patience or enough nerve, if your health is impaired. When You are in bad health, you become despondent, you lose hope, too much fear & will be unable to act at the right time.
  5. CAPITAL :- When you have acquired all other qualifications for making success trading in Stocks, you must, of course, have CAPITAL. but if you have KNOWLEDGE & PATIENCE, you can start with small capital & make larger profits, provided yiu use STOP LOSS ORDERS; take small losses and do not  NEVERTRADE. Remember, NEVER BUCK THE TREND. After you determince the trend of the market, GO WITH IT & regardless of what you think, hope or fear, you will make SUCCESS. FOLLOW RULES TO DETERMINE THE TREND & DO NOT WORK ON HOPE OR GUESS WORK.

Courtesy: Sunil

Shortcuts for Diet Odin

  • You can reduce the login time by keeping security download checkboxes off.
    • You can change the speed of ticker in preferences portolio settings.
    • You can copy data from any view to excel or word using Copy option in the right click menu.
    • You can insert a blank row in the market watch using Shift + insert.
    • You can give name to the column profile and load these different profiles using this name.
    • You can load most recently used workspace by using Alt + F + 1.
    • You can load most recently used bulk order files using Alt + B + 1 .
    • You can filter on the underlying securities for futures and options in orders and trades book.
    • You can see the reason for rejection of order from Exchange or surveillance in the Reason column order book.
    • You can search a BSE scrip easily in the market watch and BSE Auction Inquiry by setting 500000 in the prefix in preferences.
    • You can place order for 500325 by typing 325 in the order entry by setting 500000 in the prefix in preferences.
    • You can see snapshot and best five in a single screen i.e. market picture by pressing F5.
    • You can change the order price to counter touchline or percentage of counter touchline in the Bulk Order Window.
    • You can select your own portfolio in basket trading window.
    • You can take different types of online backup by changing the Formats combobox in online backup window.
    • You can change your TWS to use NSE or BSE shortcut scheme by changing shortcut key preferences (e.g. F3 will open market watch in BSE shortcut scheme and F4 will open market watch in NSE shortcut scheme).
    • You can select all the views to open with the preferred exchange by selecting an exchange in preferences.
    • You can open up an Index Chart by double clicking on the repective Index Ticker.
    • You can add multiple scrips to a Chart using the Control Bar.
    • Maximum of five charts can be opened at a time and maximum of sixteen different scrips can be added to a chart.
    • You can Zoom In the chart by Keeping the CONTROL key and selecting the range to zoom into keeping LEFT mouse button pressed.
    • You can Zoom Out the chart by Keeping the CONTROL key pressed and RIGHT clicking on the Chart.
    • You can perform Fit to Window for a chart by Keeping the SHIFT key pressed and RIGHT clicking on the Chart.
    • You can Pan the chart by Keeping the SHIFT key and selecting the position to pan to keeping LEFT mouse button pressed.
    • You can display Percentage Chart by pressing the key 'P'.
    • You can display Fixed Interval Chart by pressing the key 'F'.
    • You can display Linear Time (X) Chart by pressing the key 'X'.
    • You can AutoScroll the Chart by pressing the key 'S'.
    • You can open Manage Scrips dialog using the 'BackSpace' key.
    • You can open Chart Properties dialog using the 'SpaceBar' key.
    • You can edit properties of a paricular plot on a chart by double clicking on the plot.
    • You can scroll chart scroll one point to the left using the 'PgUp' key.
    • You can scroll chart scroll one point to the right using the 'PgDown' key.
    • You can scroll chart scroll to the first point using the 'Home' key.
    • You can scroll chart scroll to the last (latest) point using the 'End' key.
    • You can withdraw the underlying securities using panic withdrawal Underlying checkbox.
    • You can create dynamic portfolios with conditions such as 'In the money','Out of Money' etc. by using portfolio window. 
    • You can put your own remarks in the User Remarks field for every order you place.
    • You can see more columns in the screen wihout scrolling using size to fit option in right click
    • You can easily scroll the large columns view using freeze option.
    • You can drag a scrip in the market watch from one position to other.
    • You can change the position of column in a window by dragging it.
    • You can drag a ticker and place it anywhere on the screen.
    • You can see the past trades done using previous trades window.
    • You can see positions for all the segments in the Integrated net position window.
    • You can see your utilised limits in the surveillance watch.
    • You can change the color of buy and sell transaction messages by right clicking on message bar and selecting customize.
    • You can see the status of all the markets on the status bar.
    • You can see net position in all the markets on the status bar.
    • You can take full download of scrips and participants master using Tools->masters download.
    • You can optimize your work area by right clicking on order entry and deselecting lables on and status bar on.

    China Halts Stock Trading After 7% Rout Triggers Circuit Breaker

    Chinese stock exchanges closed early for the second time this week after the CSI 300 Index plunged more than 7 percent.
    Trading of shares and index futures was halted by automatic circuit breakers from about 9:59 a.m. local time. Stocks fell after China’s central bank weakened the currency’s daily reference rate by the most since August.
    “The yuan’s depreciation has exceeded investors’ expectations,” said Wang Zheng, Shanghai-based chief investment officer at Jingxi Investment Management Co. “Investors are getting spooked by the declines, which will spur capital outflows.”
    Under the mechanism which became effective Monday, a move of 5 percent in the CSI 300 triggers a 15-minute halt for stocks, options and index futures, while a move of 7 percent close the market for the rest of the day. The CSI 300 of companies listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen fell as much as 7.2 percent before trading was suspended.
    Chinese stocks in Hong Kong, which doesn’t have circuit breakers, slumped 4.4 percent. The offshore yuan fell to a five-year low before erasing losses.